The CEO of VIELCA Ingenieros S.A., Vicente Candela, accompanied by Alberto Vila, head of the Transport Infrastructure Area of VIELCA and Alfonso Jordá, engineer and consultant of Alcoy Industrial have presented the Feasibility Study of the Alcoy-Alicante train on January 3, 2025.
The event, which has taken place in the industrial circle of Alcoi, has been attended by Authorities such as Carlos Mazón, President of the Generalitat, Toni Pérez, President of the Diputación or Toni Francés, Mayor of Alcoy, as well as other authorities of the Region.
The study puts on the table four viable connectivity alternatives:
· One through Xixona;
· The second by Ibi, Tibi, and Agost;
· The third by Ibi, Castalla and Agost;
· And a last option that would go through Ibi, Castalla and Villena.
This project not only focuses on improving the connectivity of the region, but also on boosting environmental sustainability and economic development of the area.
In the study carried out specialists from Vielca in the areas of tracing, railways, transport, structures, architecture and environment.
The work presented received an excellent reception from the authorities who attended the event and the President of the Generalitat encouraged us to continue to advance in the detailed analysis of this connection.