The project consisted mainly of the management of the roads adjacent to the riverbanks, including the construction of a perimeter wall, as well as the rehabilitation of the riverbanks for public use and the adaptation of the riverbed.
The measures carried out extend over a stretch of 1,500 m in length and with an average width of around 60 m.
The most important features of these elements are:
- Roads: Consisting of a pedestrian walk parallel to the traced by the riverbed with a limestone pavement.
- Garden area: Arrangement of trees and five wooden arch walkways with their corresponding access paths.
- Recreation Zone 1: Formed by a river park. Construction of a dam in the riverbed to increase the draught, resting area with sand, and artificial reservoir inside the landscaped area. Recreation Area 2:
- Demolition of the existing staircase and construction of another one with concrete slab and brick steps covered with limestone slabs. Construction of access ramp for people with functional diversity.
- Recreation Zone 3: Debris removal and cleaning. Revegetation of all areas.
- Rehabilitation of structures: Rehabilitation of the aqueduct that crosses the river, rehabilitation of the wall of the town square, extension of Bridge 3 (located on the outskirts of the city center) and improvement of Bridges 1 (Calle Coronel Médico Antonio Jiménez) and 2 (Road CM-2109 Campo Robles-Mira-Cardenote).
- Rainwater channelling.
- Installations of Public Lighting of the riverbed as it passes through the urban center of Mira.
The total budget for the works was € 1,159,427.40.
Type of services provided
The work carried out on the project includes the Drafting of the Project, as well
as a number of Studies.
- Studies and Other
- Hydrological-Hydraulic Study
- Geological-Geotechnical Study
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Study of reinforcement of existing structures and calculation of structures
- Days of public exhibition and application of participatory methodologies for the population, with the participation of various cultural associations of Mira.
Drafting of the Draft
- Memory and Annexes
- Plans
- Specification of Technical Requirements
- Budget
- Safety and Health Study