The BCIE contracted the services of VIELCA INGENIEROS to prepare the diagnosis, investment plan and terms of reference required for the studies and designs of the investments needed to renovate, expand and improve water and sanitation infrastructures, improve the quality, access and sustainability of services and strengthen the capacity of service providers in four intermediate cities in Honduras: La Ceiba, Siguatepeque, La Esperanza and Intibucá
The diagnosis carried out includes a full analysis of the water and sanitation systems, an environmental review, an assessment of energy efficiency and an assessment of the Water and Sanitation Service Providers.
On the basis of this analysis, a complete short-, medium- and long-term investment plan was drawn up for each city, with investment priorities and corresponding costs for the years 2022-2042, comprising the following programmes:
- Upgrading and universal extension of the drinking water system
- Improving water quality and safe drinking water
- Increased operational efficiency
- Increasing trade efficiency
- Upgrading and universal extension of the sewerage system
- Improving treatment capacity
- Climate change prevention and mitigation
Finally, the complete Terms of Reference were developed for the subsequent Feasibility Studies and Works Design Studies.